Dear RoboCup@Home teams,
One of the advantages of working in the RoboCup@Home domain is that so
many of us around the world are motivated by, and working on, the same
challenging problem. With this message, we're asking for a small amount
of your time (but with some urgency) to help our research and to magnify
our community as a whole.
In particular, we're writing a paper that we plan to submit to AAAI on
our knowledge representation system, and as part of our discussion we
would like to explore the differences between how systems in
RoboCup@Home model EEGPSR tasks. We're including the survey below, and
we hope that you can take 5-10 minutes to let us know how your system
would handle a particular utterance. If possible, we would like you to
run a query through the top of your EEGPSR system, however this isn't
necessary. If your system does not handle the command, please also
respond saying so.
EEGPSR Command:
Could you navigate to the kitchen, spot the apple, and give it to
Patricia at the couch.
At a high level, please summarize the steps your system takes to
resolve the query...
1. ... in the case that the apple is on the counter.
2. ... in the case that there is not an apple on the counter.
In your responses, please describe how you model the problem, what
your plan looks like (if your system generates a plan), and how the
robot would behave while executing it (assuming that perception,
navigation, and manipulation work perfectly).
Please send your response to jiangyuqian(a)
If you're able to do this, we'll acknowledge your support in the paper.
Please let us know if you would like your system named specifically, or
identified anonymously as "Participant X". Regardless, of course we'll
be more than happy to help you with any similar requests about our
Thanks in advance!
Justin Hart, Yuqian Jiang, Nick Walker, & Peter Stone