Sorry for any duplicates.
---------- Forwarded message --------- De: Milena F. m**********a@gmail.com Date: qua., 31 de mai. de 2023 às 07:47 Subject: Submission Deadline Extension - Conference WRE 2023 To: Somosrobotica s***********a@googlegroups.com
We'd like to invite you to submit original research papers for the 2023 Workshop on Robotics in Education (WRE 2023), to be held in *Salvador, Brazil, on October 9-10, 2023.*
Submissions are open, and the hard deadline for paper submission is now *June 19th, 2023.*
*Accepted papers in English will be submitted to IEEE Xplore proceedings.*
To submit your paper, please visit the WRE 2023 website at http://natalnet.br/wre2023/index.php?page=submission
We look forward to your participation in WRE 2023!
Best regards,
WRE 2023 Organizing Committee ____________________________________
Profa. Milena F. Pinto (PhD.) *Departamento de Engenharia Eletrônica* *Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Rio de Janeiro*
*Av. Maracanã, 229 - Maracanã* *Rio de Janeiro/RJ - CEP: 20271-110*
Celular: * ++55 32 991000370* *Lattes: **http://lattes.cnpq.br/9537851345288279 http://lattes.cnpq.br/9537851345288279* *Orcid: 0000-0001-6916-700X https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6916-700X* *e-mail: **m**********o@cefet-rj.br m**********o@cefet-rj.br*