Important Dates
Application Submission Deadline: 12th of February 2022 (23:59 UTC-12) Notification: 26th of February 2022 (23:59 UTC-12)
Student Attendance Support
We are delighted to announce funding for the AAMAS 2022 student scholarship applications. This will enable the virtual registration fees to be waived to successful applicants.
To be eligible you must be registered as a full-time student at a higher education institution (e.g., University).
In allocating awards, we will prioritise to students who are listed as authors of a paper accepted for AAMAS 2022 (i.e., full paper or extended abstract at the main conference). Scholarships will then be allocated to students who had a paper accepted at an affiliated workshop or the Doctoral Consortium. Funding permitting, we will also try and support students who do not have a paper accepted but come from under-represented groups.
Please note that attending the conference is a requirement for being supported. No support will be possible for students who do not attend AAMAS 2022.
Submission Requirements
To apply, you are required to register and click to complete the Student Scholarship Application Form within registration, via the following link:
tinyurl.com/aamas2022scholarship http://tinyurl.com/aamas2022scholarship
The requested information includes a scanned student ID card certifying you are registered as a full-time student.
We care about your privacy: The Student Scholarship Application Form is compliant with GDPR (https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/reg/2016/679/oj https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/reg/2016/679/oj) and your data will be kept, processed, and then destroyed, according to the GDPR European regulations and the most recent US guidelines.
Please note that participation in the student scholarship program carries with it an obligation to attend the conference and an encouragement to volunteer to act as a student volunteer. Student volunteers may be asked to support to conference in various ways, i.e., to help with running a particular session. Successful US applicants are also asked to participate in the Doctoral Consortium (DC) either as a presenter or as an attendee, with no obligation to have a paper accepted at the DC. US applicants are also asked to write a short report on their attendance at AAMAS.
Please submit your application by the 12th of February 2022 (11:59pm, UTC-12) via the link above. We will notify you of your application decision by the 26th of February 2022 (11:59pm, UTC-12). If your application is successful, you will receive a code that you can then use upon registration as a conference fee waiver.
We ask the applicants to not register for the conference before the scholarship notification. We will not be able to reimburse payments that have already been made.
For any question, feel free to contact us at a*******************s@googlegroups.com mailto:a*******************s@googlegroups.com
The AAMAS 2022 Scholarship Chairs:
Hau Chan (University of Nebraska–Lincoln, United States) Wojciech Jamroga (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg) Paolo Turrini (University of Warwick, United Kingdom)