Dear teams,
this is a mail dealing with the official registration for the GORE_3 from the 12.04. till 17.04.22 in Hamburg, Germany.
You can always find the latest information here on our website: https://gore-event.github.io/
*GORE_3 - 2022 Registration Fees and Deadlines*:
* Major Team €200 * Major Participant (Faculty/Staff/Student) €75 * Major Participant late registration €100
* Until March 20, 2022
* Until March 20, 2022
Note: Remote teams only need to register the team.
The *official invoice will be sent out at the beginning of April* with possible reduced costs due to sponsors.
*GORE_3 - 2022 Registration*:
For the registration process the team leader(s) collects all participants (including themselves) and then fills out this registration form: https://forms.gle/Qfg2MzPutGzGRpot7
/All data entered in the registration form will only be used for the purpose of registration, payment processing and creation of badges. Directly after the event this data will be deleted!/
Since we have some teams that only participate remotely and cannot ship robots we ask all teams to provide a few robots for a shared robot pool. These robots can always be used for your own team if you need them and Softbank Robotics will be onsite for direct repairs!
Shortly before the event, we will send out a document regarding the use of photos and videos taken during the event, which all participants must sign and bring with them. More information on this in a later mail.
/Note: /In order to modify the number of participants you can send a copy of the form to your mail (slider at the end of the registration form) and with this you can modify your registration. Or the registration form must be completely filled out another time (only the last submission before the deadline counts). Also late registration of participants, after the deadline, is possible but at a higher fee for the late registered participants!
*GORE_3 - 2022 Venue*:
For teams participating on-site, the venue is located in the Handelskammer https://www.hk24.de/en/servicemarken/event-management/room-boersensaal-1159192 (Chamber of Commerce) of Hamburg. There we use the "Börsensaal" where two SPL fields will be set up. Around them are the team zones, Softbank Robotics, a Junior competition and space for the audience.
Since the venue is located in the center of Hamburg and there are enough hotels around it, we did not book a contingent at certain hotels.
* Adolphsplatz 1 20457 Hamburg Germany https://www.google.de/maps/place/Handelskammer+Hamburg/@53.549812,9.9888133,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x47b18f1b63023a0f:0x3339133fb07a616f
Instructions for the on-site delivery or the exact address for shipping robots will be available in a later mail.
*GORE_3 - 2022 Covid19/Corona Rules*:
Due to the current Covid19/Corona situation, we will be paying attention to the health of all participants at this event. Therefore, access (both participants and spectators) is only possible under the *2G+ rule (vaccinated or recovered both with an additional official negative test or for boostered people a self-test)*. For this you need a proof which is valid in the EU.
Even if many of the Corona rules could be dropped before the event, we currently assume, since we are staying with many people in an indoor area, that we require you to wear a medical mask all the time and do an official Corona test or self-test every day.
All in all let's create a safe environment together so that no one has to worry about their health and can concentrate on playing robot soccer.
*GORE_3 - 2022 Drinks and food*:
For the thirst in between we provide refrigerators from which you can take drinks at the retail price. We do not offer catering/food booths because we are located in the center of Hamburg and there are many possibilities around to get food.
*GORE_3 - 2022 SPL-Rules*:
You can find the adapted SPL rules with added robot safety enhancements from the last GORE_1/2 under the following link: https://github.com/RoboCup-SPL/Rules/tree/GORE_3
In general, please note that we will already play with the new*Event-Based-Communication* at the GORE_3. Also, some of the robot safety rules from the previous GORE rules could been relaxed and this will be decide at the first team leader meeting on site together with the teams.
If you are interested in a committed participation in the GORE_3, please fill out the registration form https://forms.gle/Qfg2MzPutGzGRpot7 from above.
For further questions and remarks please send us a mail at g***************n@gmail.com.
See you soon in Hamburg and stay healthy.
The GORE_3 organizing committee Arne, Jörn, Patrick und Sebastian