Dear all RoboCuppers,
I like to share about the news of RoboCup Asia Pacific (RCAP) 2021 Aichi, Japan. In the last weekend, RCAP 2021 was successfully held in person.
The following article reports about the event.
Unfortunately, the article is in Japanese, but you can see several photo and movies that provide RoboCup atmosphere!!!
--Itsuki Noda

Dear all RoboCuppers,
noda50> Aichi, Japan. In the last weekend, RCAP 2021 was successfully held in noda50> person. noda50> noda50> The following article reports about the event. noda50> noda50> https://robotstart.info/2021/11/28/rcap21-report.html noda50> noda50> Unfortunately, the article is in Japanese, but you can see noda50> several photo and movies that provide RoboCup atmosphere!!!
Prof. Changjiu ZHOU, the president of RCAP picked up some video clips of RCAP 2021. It was a big challenge in such a pandemic world. I attach a photo of my speech at the opening ceremony. Thanks.
1. RCAP 2021 Awards Ceremony: https://youtu.be/pH-0bzedm8c
2. RCAP 2021 Closing and Handover Ceremony: https://youtu.be/oxLJaxKpXHI
3. RCAP 2021 Opening Ceremony: https://youtu.be/wOxFqxdWxPc
4. RCAP 2021 Awards Presentation (Virtual Leagues): https://youtu.be/WQgBX_pSAjgw
5. Greeting messages from teams around the world who are remotely participating in RCAP 2021: https://youtu.be/CqH6NI7bthA
6. The grand reveal of the CoSpace Autonomous Driving Challenge at RCAP 2021: https://youtu.be/6rsYEMqitdU
-- Minoru
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Minoru Asada, Vice-President of International Professional University of Technology in Osaka 3-3-1 Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0001, Japan https://www.iput.ac.jp/osaka Tel. +81-6-6347-0111 Fax. +81-6-6345-3456
Minoru Asada (Specially-Appointed Professor) a***a@otri.osaka-u.ac.jp Strategic Adviser: Symbiotic Intelligent System Research Center Open and Transdisciplinary Research Initiatives, Osaka University https://sisrec.otri.osaka-u.ac.jp 1-1 Yamada-Oka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan Tel. +81-6-6879-7347 Fax. +81-6-6879-4843
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