[CFP] 2nd Call for Papers for the 19th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-19)
IAS-19 Call for Papers
We are all invited to contribute to the 19th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-19), which will be held in Genoa, Italy, from June 30 to July 4, 2025.
Since the first edition in 1985, IAS has been a venue for original, novel, and innovative papers with a theoretical or experimental flavor. For IAS-19, we look for papers centered around the theme "Ethical, Responsible, and Inclusive Robotics".
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Mobile Robots Collaborative Robots/Cobots
Robots for Industry 4.0
Household Robots
Humanoid Robots
Climbing Robots
Outdoor and Field Robots
Autonomous Vehicles
Healthcare Robots
Flying Robots
On-Water/Underwater Robots
Robot Swarms
Biomimetic Robots
Long-Term Autonomous Systems
Intelligent Machines
Cognitive Architectures for Robots
Software Architectures for Robots
Cloud Robotics
Robot Vision
Tactile Sensing
Intelligent Sensors and Systems
Neuromorphic Sensing
Semantic Modelling
Data Fusion and Machine Learning
Obstacle Avoidance
Localization and SLAM
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Task-Motion Planning
Robot Foundation Models
Vision and Language Models
Robot Simulations
Mechatronics for Intelligent Systems
All contributed papers will go through a rigorous peer-review process, which will be managed by Editors, Associated Editors, and Reviewers. Each manuscript will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. If a paper will be accepted, the authors should submit a revised final version reflecting reviewers' comments and present their paper orally and in presence.
All accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings, and a post-proceedings book will be published by Springer, as is customary for IAS conferences. A limited number of authors will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers for a special issue of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, published by Elsevier.
Proposals for special sessions, workshops, and tutorials are strongly encouraged. Workshops and tutorials will be scheduled on 30/6/2025.
Updates on www.ias-19.orghttp://www.ias-19.org/.
Important dates
20/9/2024 > First call for papers
30/11/2024 > Deadline for proposals for special sessions
7/12/2024 > Notification for proposals for special sessions
15/12/2024 > Deadline for proposals for workshops, and tutorials
15/1/2025 > Notification for proposals for workshops and tutorials
15/2/2025 > Deadline for papers submission
15/4/2025 > Papers acceptance notification
15/5/2025 > Papers final submission
30/6/2025 - 4/7/2025 > IAS-19 in Genoa, Italy
CONFIRMED: Plenary speakers
Tomaso A. Poggio, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Yoshihiko Nakamura, Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence
CONFIRMED: Keynote speakers
Arash Ajoudani, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Perla Maiolino, University of Oxford
HIGHLIGHTS: Call for Workshops and tutorials
We look for proposals for workshops and tutorials on a broad set of topics in intelligent and autonomous systems.
A workshop or tutorial can be half or full day. Please send proposals for workshops or tutorials by email at c*****t@ias-19.orgmailto:c*****t@ias-19.org. Each proposal must include (a) the workshop or tutorial title, (b) the list of organizers with contact information, (c) a brief statement of purpose for the workshop or tutorial, and (d) a list of potential contributors.
Workshops and tutorials chairs will review the submitted proposals. The management of the related Call for Papers will be managed autonomously by the workshop or tutorial organisers.
IAS-19 Workshops and Tutorials Chairs
Ivan Petrovic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Nak Young Chong, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Monica Reggiani, University of Padua, Italy
STILL OPEN: Call for Special Sessions
Methods and technologies to design and develop intelligent and autonomous systems have advanced remarkably in the past few years, with the rapid development of critical and foundational approaches in robotics and artificial intelligence. Intelligent and autonomous systems are being deployed in various scenarios, such as nuclear power plants, defense, agriculture, industrial safety, aerospace, construction, and unmanned vehicles. Special sessions are the ideal venues to highlight selected topics, spark debates, and narrow down applications of intelligent and autonomous systems, especially connected to innovative emerging areas of interest related to the main conference topics.
We look for proposals for special sessions featuring emerging topics in intelligent and autonomous systems. We welcome submissions of proposals considering the conference theme, that is, "Ethical, Responsible, and Inclusive Robotics", along with scientific, methodological, and technological advances.
A special session will consist of 4 papers. Please send proposals for special sessions by email at c*****t@ias-19.orgmailto:c*****t@ias-19.org. Each proposal must include (a) the special session title, (b) the list of organizers with contact information, (c) a brief statement of purpose for the session, and (d) a list of potential contributors.
Special Sessions Chairs will review the submitted proposals. Papers addressed to approved special sessions will be provided with a session code and will undergo the same review process as regular papers. Special session organizers can be involved in the review process and in the final decisions. Also, they will be offered a gift voucher as a sign of gratitude.
IAS-19 Special Session Chairs
Alessandra Sciutti, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genoa, Italy
Jun Ota, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Stefano Carpin, University of California Merced, CA, USA
On behalf of the General & Program Chair
Francesco Amigoni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Fulvio Mastrogiovanni, University of Genua, Italy
IAS-19 Call for Papers
We are all invited to contribute to the 19th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-19), which will be held in Genoa, Italy, from June 30 to July 4, 2025.
Since the first edition in 1985, IAS has been a venue for original, novel, and innovative papers with a theoretical or experimental flavour. For IAS-19, we look for papers cantered around the theme "Ethical, Responsible, and Inclusive Robotics".
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Mobile Robots Collaborative Robots/Cobots Robots for Industry 4.0 Household Robots Humanoid Robots Climbing Robots Outdoor and Field Robots Autonomous Vehicles Healthcare Robots Flying Robots Marine Robots Robot Swarms Biomimetic Robots Long-Term Autonomous Systems Intelligent Machines Cognitive Architectures for Robots Human-Robot-Interaction Software Architectures for Robots Cloud Robotics Robot Vision Tactile Sensing Intelligent Sensors and Systems Neuromorphic Sensing Semantic Modelling Data Fusion and Machine Learning Obstacle Avoidance Localization and SLAM Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Planning Task-Motion Planning Robot Foundation Models Vision and Language Models Robot Simulations Mechatronics for Intelligent Systems
All contributed papers will go through a rigorous peer-review process, which will be managed by Editors, Associated Editors, and Reviewers. Each manuscript will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. If a paper will be accepted, the authors should submit a revised final version reflecting reviewers' comments and present their paper orally and in presence.
All accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings, and a post-proceedings book will be published by Springer, as is customary for IAS conferences. A limited number of authors will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers for a special issue of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, published by Elsevier.
Proposals for special sessions, workshops, and tutorials are strongly encouraged. Workshops and tutorials will be scheduled on 30/6/2025.
Updates on www.ias-19.org.
Special sessions
Artificial Intelligence in Human-Robot Collaboration and Interaction Alessandro Umbrico (a****************o@istc.cnr.it) Alessandro Carfi (a****************o@istc.cnr.it)
Robots and Intelligent systems for Citizens and the Environment Antonio Sgorbissa (a***************a@unige.it) Jaeryoung Lee (j**********e@isc.chubu.ac.jp) Carmine Tommaso Recchiuto (c***************o@dibris.unige.it) Emilia Barakova (e**********a@tue.nl)
Marine Robotics Giovanni Indiveri (g***************i@unige.it) Enrico Simetti (e************i@unige.it) Francesco Wanderlingh (f*******************h@unige.it)
Proactive Social Perception for Human-Robot Collaboration: From Vision to Language Dimitri Ognibene (d**************e@unimib.it) Onofrio Gigliotta (o***************a@unina.it) Letizia Marchegiani (l*****************i@unipr.it) Tom Foulsham (f******m@essex.ac.uk) Dario Zanca (d*********a@fau.de) Edoardo Datteri (e*************i@unimib.it)
Adjustable Autonomy and Physical Embodied Intelligence Fabio Patrizi (p*****i@diag.uniroma1.it) Luca Iocchi (i****i@diag.uniroma1.it) Raffaello Camoriano (r*****************o@polito.it)
Advanced Mathematical and Control Methods in Soft and Humanoid Robotics Fabio Bonsignorio (f***************o@fer.unizg.hr) Enrica Zereik (e***********k@cnr.it)
Human Internal States Perception and Processing for Human-Centric Technology Marco Matarese (m************e@iit.it) Francesco Rea (f***********a@iit.it) Alessandra Sciutti (a****************i@iit.it)
LLMs as planning tools for Human-Robot Collaborative Tasks Lorenzo Natale (l************e@iit.it) Carmela Calabrese (c***************e@iit.it)
Paper submission instructions
Prospective authors must format their papers in a single-column layout on 21 cm x 29.7 cm A4-size paper according to the Springer guidelines (https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-gui...). In particular, refer to: - instructions for authors: https://resource-cms.springernature.com/springer-cms/rest/v1/content/1924223... - LaTeX templates: https://resource-cms.springernature.com/springer-cms/rest/v1/content/1923864... - Overleaf LaTeX templates: https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/springer-lecture-notes-in-computer-... - MS Word templates: https://resource-cms.springernature.com/springer-cms/rest/v1/content/7117506... Paper length should be at most 12 pages, including references. Authors can optionally have 6 additional pages at a cost of 50 EUR per page. Papers with more than 18 pages will be automatically rejected.
Papers must be submitted electronically via OpenReview: https://openreview.net/group?id=ias-society.org/IAS/2025/Conference Please indicate whether the paper is submitted to the general track or one of the special sessions.
Important dates
20/9/2024 > First call for papers 7/12/2024 > Deadline for proposals for special sessions 15/12/2024 > Notification for proposals for special sessions 31/1/2025 > Deadline for proposals for workshops, and tutorials ***updated*** 7/2/2025 > Notification for proposals for workshops and tutorials ***updated*** 15/2/2025 > Deadline for papers submission 15/4/2025 > Papers acceptance notification 15/5/2025 > Papers final submission 30/6/2025 - 4/7/2025 > IAS-19 in Genoa, Italy
CONFIRMED Plenary speakers
Tomaso A. Poggio, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US Yoshihiko Nakamura, Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, UAE Yasuo Kuniyoshi, University of Tokyo, Japan
CONFIRMED Keynote speakers
Arash Ajoudani, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy Perla Maiolino, University of Oxford, UK José Galvan, Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Vatican State
General Chair
Fulvio Mastrogiovanni, University of Genoa, Italy
Program Chair
Francesco Amigoni, Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy
Regional Program Chairs
Takahashi Masaki, Keio University, Japan Jing Xiao, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, US Arnoud Visser, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
STILL OPEN: Call for Workshops and tutorials
We look for proposals for workshops and tutorials on a broad set of topics in intelligent and autonomous systems.
A workshop or tutorial can be half or full day. Please send proposals for workshops or tutorials by email at c*****t@ias-19.org. Each proposal must include (a) the workshop or tutorial title, (b) the list of organizers with contact information, (c) a brief statement of purpose for the workshop or tutorial, and (d) a list of potential contributors.
Workshops and tutorials chairs will review the submitted proposals. The specific Calls for Papers will be managed autonomously by the workshop or tutorial organisers.
IAS-19 Workshops and Tutorials Chairs
Ivan Petrovic, University of Zagreb, Croatia Nak Young Chong, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan Monica Reggiani, University of Padua, Italy
OPENING SOON: Call for sponsors and exhibitors
We will soon open a call for sponsors and exhibitors. We are working toward nicely blending the usual scientific tracks of IAS with pitch sessions and events oriented towards innovation and the industry.
IAS-19 will feature a dedicated crash course on entrepreneurship, student challenges in which companies may be directly involved, plenary pitch sessions, and an industry forum.
More on this in the next call!
On behalf of the general and program chairs
participants (1)
Arnoud Visser