RoboCup International Symposium 2022 - Final Call for Research Showcases

* Final Call for Research Showcases*
The 25th RoboCup International Symposium
Submission of abstracts: 20 June 2022 Notification to authors: 24 June 2022 RoboCup Symposium: 17 July 2022 (RoboCup 2022: 11-17 July 2022)
=========================================================== The RoboCup symposium is an annual event in which innovative, original research with relevance to areas of robotics and artificial intelligence is presented. This year, we are inviting the submission of poster proposals to facilitate scientific discussions about ongoing projects and late-breaking results during the RoboCup 2022 Symposium. This call is specifically for poster presentations to showcase teams’ ongoing work and/or the latest results relevant to the RoboCup community. The Symposium Program Co-Chairs would like to promote exciting conversations during the coffee break over posters, discussing scientific results, finding other research groups with similar interests, and strengthening connections between different teams as well as RoboCup leagues. Any team, research group, or individual is welcome to propose a poster presentation with the content relevant to the RoboCup community. To ensure this and to group posters into the poster sessions, we ask everyone interested in such poster presentations to submit a proposal with the title and short abstract of max 250 words by June 20th (using the Research Showcase Track).
IMPORTANT DATES ===============
Submission of poster abstracts (Research Showcase Track): 20 June 2022 Notification to authors: 24 June 2022 Upload of poster pdfs for website (optionally): 8 July RoboCup Symposium: 17 July 2022 (RoboCup 2022: 11-17 July 2022)
SUBMISSION AND PROCEEDINGS ==========================
Abstracts will be evaluated by the Symposium Program Co-Chairs based on their thematic relevance to the RoboCup Symposium. Poster abstracts will not be included in the RoboCup Symposium proceedings.
Proposals should be 250 words in plain text and must be submitted through the EasyChair electronic submission system:
POSTER FORMAT ============== Posters presented at the Symposium should be in A0 portrait format. Presenters will receive a poster board as well as material for attaching the posters from the organizers. Please note that the Symposium Co-Chairs will not be able to assist with printing posters in Bangkok, so please bring your printed poster with you to the Symposium.
PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS ==================
Maike Paetzel-Prüsmann, University of Potsdam, Germany Nuno Lau, University of Aveiro, Portugal Thanapat Wanichanon, Mahidol University, Thailand Amy Eguchi, University of California San Diego, USA
CONTACT =======
participants (1)
Maike Paetzel-Prüsmann