Offer of Support for RoboCup-related community-building workshops
Dear RoboCuppers,
The RoboCup Board of Trustees would like to encourage the RoboCup community to organize community-building workshops, and robot competitions, at major conferences, on topics of common interest to multiple RoboCup leagues that are also of high interest to people outside the RoboCup community.
The objectives are to
foster cross-league interaction among RoboCuppers; and
increase the exposure of the RoboCup community, with the possible side effect of drawing in new participants.
Many large academic conferences (e.g. ICRA, IROS, AAAI, IJCAI, ICML, NeurIPS, and many others) have established workshop sessions programs and competition tracks that would be fine targets for this endeavour such a workshop. Some organizations also run standalone workshop/symposium series (e.g. AAAI Fall/Spring symposia). And smaller, more specialized conferences with a focussed audience related to RoboCup could also be good targets.
If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, send a short proposal to [RoboCup Sponsored Projects...] with the following information:
Workshop/Competition topic
Workshop/Competition venue
Workshop/Competition organizers, including the RoboCup leagues they represent (not all organizers need to be from the RoboCup community)
Brief description which RoboCup league(s) the research topic would benefit, and how
Brief description of how researchers from the broader scientific community will be encouraged to participate
Due to budget constraints, a limited number of proposals will be approved for support. If your proposal is approved for support and is accepted by the venue, RCF will provide a discretionary budget to be used in support of the workshop for purposes such as (but not necessarily limited to):
Best paper/Best student paper awards (workshops) OR Best team award (competitions)
Travel support for invited speakers/organizers/participants
Workshop/tutorial logistics and materials (e.g., competition small arena builds, shipping of robots, etc.)
The proposal can be submitted as a single PDF at the following link:
Any further questions and information should be emailed to Alessandra Rossi [a******** mailto:a********]
best regards
participants (1)