[meetings][Second Call for papers] Longitudinal Social Impacts of HRI over Long-Term Deployments

HRI 2022 Workshop
March 7th, 2022
Virtual - 9:00 am - 6:00pm PST
Workshop Objective
This workshop seeks to grow the study of how real-world, deployed robot systems impact the people who interact with them and the social structure of the places that they inhabit. By bringing together researchers interested in longitudinal studies on real-world human-interactive long-term deployments, we hope to arrive at a clearer vision of how best to study these systems.
Invited Speakers
Maja Mataric, University of Southern California
Reid Simmons, Carnegie Mellon University
Stefanie Tellex, Brown University Selma Šabanović, Indiana University
Paper Topics
Contributions are invited on all topics relevant to longitudinal social impacts of HRI over long-term deployments including (but not limited to):
Longitudinal studies of HRI over real-world large-scale deployments -
Interdisciplinary approaches and long-term autonomy -
Methodological and technical challenges for longitudinal studies -
Social impacts of HRI over long-term deployments -
Social effects such as safety, privacy, and inclusion -
New opportunities for HRI and HR teaming -
Demonstrations of long-term deployments -
Hardware and devices for human-robot interaction -
New sensors, biological signals for longitudinal HRI
Social Science and Technical Review Tracks
All submissions will select at least one review track for their paper: either social science or technical. A submission may select both tracks if it appropriately represents the work.
Submission types
Submission types for this workshop include:
Short work-in-progress and position papers (2-4 pages) -
Long-format integration and experimental papers (4-6 pages).
All papers are to be considered for both oral presentations and posters, with final format to be indicated along with acceptance. To encourage participation, 1-2 page extended abstracts describing the research interests of participants will also be accepted and featured on the workshop's website.
Key Dates
Early Submission Deadline January 17, 2022
Early Submission Notifications February 7, 2022
Late Submission Deadline February 14, 2022
Late Submission Notifications March 1, 2022
Workshop Website
Submission Site
Justin Hart - h**t@cs.utexas.edu
Elliot Hauser - e***3@utexas.edu
Samuel Baker - s*****r@austin.utexas.edu
Joydeep Biswas - j******b@cs.utexas.edu
Junfeng Jiao - j***o@austin.utexas.edu Luis Sentis - l*****s@utexas.edu
participantes (1)
Joydeep Biswas