[robotics-worldwide] [news] RoboCup 2022 Virtual Robot Competition - Call for Participation

* RoboCup Rescue Simulation Virtual Robot Competitions 2022*
*Bangkok, Thailand**July 11-19, 2022*
https://2022.robocup.org/ https://www.robocup.org/leagues/27
Pre-Registration……………………………….: February 15, 2022 (23:55 GMT)
Team Description Paper (TDP) submission..: March 21, 2022 (23:55 GMT)
Qualified teams announcement…………..…: March 28, 2022
Team registration deadline…….…………..…: May 31, 2022
Camera-ready TDP submission………….….: June 8, 2022 (23:55 GMT)
Tournament dates………………………..……: July 11-19, 2022
If you are interested in participating please take the time to pre-register your team for the RoboCup 2022 Virtual Robot Competition as soon as possible, so that we can inform you about the latest developments. The current plan is to have the competition in-person and closely monitor the COVID-19 restrictions and if needed the committee will provide the teams remote access to a competition platform by using a cloud computing service. In order to organise the we need to know the number of participating teams. The ultimate deadline for pre-registration is set on February 15, 2022.
*(1) RoboCup Rescue Simulation League and Virtual Robot Competition*
The RoboCup Rescue Simulation League is a socially relevant part of the RoboCup event. Its main purpose is to provide emergency decision support by integration of disaster information, prediction, planning, and human interface.
A generic urban disaster simulation environment is constructed on network computers. Heterogeneous intelligent agents such as firefighters, commanders, victims, volunteers, etc. conduct search and rescue activities in this virtual disaster world. Agents can sense their environment and make decisions on the basis of the perceived data. Mission-critical human interfaces support disaster managers, disaster relief brigades, residents, and volunteers to decide their actions to minimize the disaster damage.
Addressing this problem involves advanced and interdisciplinary research themes. AI/robotics research, for example, behavior strategy (e.g., multi-agent planning, real-time/anytime planning, heterogeneity of agents, robust planning, mixed-initiative planning) is a challenging problem. For disaster researchers, RoboCup Rescue works as a standard basis in order to develop practical comprehensive simulators adding necessary disaster modules.
The Virtual Robot Competition is based on ROS/Gazebo, an advanced robot simulator in which users can simulate multiple agents whose capabilities closely mirror those of real robots. ROS/Gazebo currently features several ground and air robots, as well as a wide range of sensors and actuators. Moreover, by exploiting ROS, users can easily develop their robot systems integrating standard modules.
Currently addressed research topics include but are not limited to
- Human-robot interfaces - Autonomous navigation - Sensor fusion - Image processing - Speech processing - 2D and 3D mapping - Distributed planning - Distributed learning
*(2) Major changes to this year (2022)*
This year, we had a server migration to ROS2 bringing a great opportunity for roboticists to learn ROS2 in a tested environment via challenges. This new server could be accessed on "The Construct sim https://www.theconstructsim.com/" as this league will provide the remote participation option.
*(3) Intention of participation*
If you are interested to participate in the competition, please respond, before Feb 15, 2021, by filling out the following google form:
https://forms.gle/U9vFrxGzky5EQ63CA https://forms.gle/U9vFrxGzky5EQ63CA
*(4) Qualification material*
Besides sending the intention of participation, please prepare before Mar 21, 2022, a Team Description Paper describing the most innovative contributions or scientific results your team is intended to provide.
The TDP is limited to 8 pages and must be formatted according to the LNCS format:
http://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guid... https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1615825099001000&usg=AOvVaw36Sf67SZI1XkQ3LYpnZ9ES
And the tex template file of the TDP can be found on the overleaf:
https://www.overleaf.com/read/nrcfnpygskyx https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.overleaf.com/read/nrcfnpygskyx&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1615825099002000&usg=AOvVaw3nRbxB5YWLLoYKh33dP4NJ
The Team Description Paper is an overview of the methodologies you use or intend to use to control your robots inside the Virtual Robot Competition. If applicable, include a reference to your latest publications.
The qualification material should be placed on a dedicated web page on the team’s home page.
Please include the link to the qualification material on the intention of participation information.
*(5) Useful links*
- Virtual Robot Competition Wiki https://robocup-rsvrl.github.io/ - Virtual Robot Competition 2022 Server https://github.com/RoboCup-RSVRL/RoboCup2022RVRL_Demo - Official RoboCup Rescue Simulation website https://rescuesim.robocup.org/ - Virtual Robot Competition 2022 Rule (draft) https://robocup-rsvrl.github.io/assets/rules/RoboCup2022-RVRL-Rules-draft.pdf
With kind regards, Amirreza Kabiri on behalf of RoboCup Rescue Simulation Executive, Technical, and Organizing Committees
participants (1)