Sponsorship opportunities for student teams at the DATE Conference
This year the Design Automation and Test in Europe conference (DATE, www.date-conference.comhttp://www.date-conference.com/), the biggest EDA conference in Europe, includes a sponsorship event that aims at bringing together student teams participating to international competitions with personnel from EDA and microelectronic companies. Teams have the opportunity to present their activities, success stories and challenges, and to receive funding and support by the companies for their future activities.
The Sponsorship Fair will happen online on March 16th (5PM to 6:30PM CET). Teams will present their activities to the DATE attendees. Then, a poster session will follow to allow closer interaction of student teams with EDA and microelectronic companies, to allow discussion of sponsorship opportunities, e.g., in terms on monetary sponsorships, licenses, tutorials, etc.
To submit your participation, go to https://www.softconf.com/date22/YPPhttps://www.softconf.com/date22/YPP/ by January 30, 2022 to submit:
* Team description: name, affiliation, reference contact, list of international competitions * A poster presenting the main activities, success stories and challenges, by giving a highlight to EDA-related activities.
For more information visit the web site: https://www.date-conference.com/sponsorship-fair.
In case you have any doubt or question, please feel free to contact us: y******************m@date-conference.com mailto:y******************m@date-conference.com
Best regards,
Sara Vinco
Young People Program Co-Chair
Design Automation and Test in Europe conference 2022
participants (1)
Vinco Sara