Dear All
We have a 4 years postdoc position in our project ‘Meaningful Human Control’ (MeHuCo) funded by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The main objective of the research is developing a deeper understanding of potentials and limitations of high level control, prediction and assessment of autonomous robot behaviours. The tasks involves adapting and programming of anthropomorphic robots and conducting practical experiments in robot-robot and human-robot scenarios.
The preferred candidate has a background in humanoid robotics and human-robot interaction. Willingness to work together with other disciplines is expected. German language capabilities or interest in acquiring it may be a plus.
If you are interested, please reply to this email. (Please make sure, you do not copy the entire mailing list.)
--- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhard Gerndt Arbeitsgruppe Robotik / Robotics Group Institut für Verteilte Systeme / Institute for Distributed Systems Internationalisierungsbeauftragter / International Affairs Coordinator
Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften - Fachhochschule Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel - Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences Fakultät Informatik - Computer Science Department Salzdahlumer Str. 46-48 38302 Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 5331 939 32120 / 31005 FAX: +49 (0) 5331 939 31004 E-Mail: r******t@ostfalia.demailto:r****** Web:
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