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Adaptive Social Interaction based on user’s Mental mOdels and behaVior in HRI the 15th International Conference on Social Robotics https://icsr23.qa
03-07 December 2023, Doha (Qatar)
Important Dates
Deadline for Paper Submission: November 26th, 2023 -
Paper Acceptance Notification: November 30th, 2023 -
Camera Ready Paper: December 1st, 2023 -
Main Conference Date: December 3rd–7th, 2023 -
Workshop Date: December 4th, 2023 (14:00-17:00 - UCT+3)
The ability to understand and adapt to people’s mental models is a key objective for enabling natural, efficient, and successful human-robot interaction (HRI), in particular in human-centered scenarios where robots are expected to meet people’s social conventions. Theory of mind and mental models are largely investigated in human-computer interactions, however, it is still unclear what level of others’ mental states a robot should be aware of in order to communicate with people in a transparent and socially acceptable way. The ASIMOV workshop will constitute a unique opportunity to gather roboticists and computer scientists to discuss a variety of current and new approaches aiming at endowing social robots with learning abilities, enhancing cognitive and social abilities based on mutual understanding (i.e. shared Theory of Mind). Target Audience
This workshop is intended as a forum for a broad audience, which spans social and assistive robotics, cognitive and behavioral robotics, and social awareness and explainability in HRI. The workshop should be a place to exchange opinions, discuss innovative ideas, and get hints and suggestions on ongoing research, therefore contributing to tackling unresolved issues. The proposed topic brings together researchers working on user behavior and intention detection, human-robot interaction, social and assistive robotics, control interfaces, learning, and ethical and safety issues in human-machine interaction, among others. A large scientific community is involved in such research fields.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Mental models in HRI -
Human-aware perception-action loop -
Emotion and intention recognition -
Empathy and Theory of Mind in Robotics -
Mutual affective understanding -
Real-time monitoring of behavior and mental states -
Detection of non-verbal behavioral cues -
Online adaptive behavior -
Acceptability and personalization -
Physiological monitoring and biofeedback systems -
BCI (brain-computer interfaces)-enabled adaptive interaction -
Short- and Long-term personalization -
Human partnership and trust in HRI -
Explainable AI in HRI -
Security and safety in HRI
We welcome prospective participants to submit either full papers (up to 6 pages) or extended abstracts (up to 2 pages).
Papers can be on research that the authors would like to discuss during the workshop, especially encouraging papers on new ideas or research that the authors plan to conduct. Possible topics of the submissions will cover a wide view of the state of the art. Workshop papers must clearly indicate that they are part of ASIMOV workshop.
All material collected during the Workshop: video, slides, papers, etc. upon approval of the authors, will be made available on the workshop website.
Selected papers will be invited to submit an extended/revised version of the papers for a special issue in a recognized international journal. We will propose to either the International Journal of Social Robotics or Paladyn Journal of Behavioural Robotics or Journal of Healthcare Engineering or IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics.
It is highly recommended to use the Springer LNCS/LNAI style for the layout. Detailed instructions for paper submission are available on the conference website (https://icsr23.qa/paper-submission/). LNCS style templates are available on the Springer LNCS website. Each paper will receive two reviews. Accepted papers require that at least one of the authors register for the workshop.
All submitted papers will be reviewed by two reviewers. The abstracts of the accepted papers will appear on the workshop website.
Authors will be able to submit a PDF copy through EasyChair https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=asimov2023.
Invited Speakers
Prof. Agnieszka Wykowska, Italian Institute of Technology (Genoa, Italy) -
Prof. Alessandro Di Nuovo, Sheffield Hallam University (UK) -
Dr. Salvatore Anzalone, University of Paris 8 (Paris)
Organising Committee
Mariacarla Staffa, University of Naples Parthenope (Italy), email: m***************a@unipartenope.it -
Alessandra Rossi, University of Napled Federico II (Italy), email: a**************i@unina.it -
Antonio Andriella, Pal Robotics, Barcellona (Spain), email: a***************a@pal-robotics.com -
Maryam Alimardani, Tilburg University (The Netherlands), email: m**********i@tilburguniversity.edu - Lorenzo D'Errico, Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" email: l*************o@unina.it