Dear colleagues,
The RoboCup Asia-Pacific 2021 Symposium will be held with RoboCup Asia-Pacific 2021 Aichi, Japan on 29 November 2021. We call for submissions of papers reporting innovative, original research with relevance to areas of robotics and artificial intelligence as listed below.
Looking forward to your submission.
Best Regards,
RCAP 2021 Symposium co-chairs Noriaki Mitsunaga and Wataru Uemura ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Call for Papers ====================================== RoboCup Asia-Pacific 2021 Symposium Aichi, Japan November 29, 2021 ======================================
https://2021.robocupap.org/eng/symposium.html r******1@intergroup.co.jp ********************************************************************
The RoboCup Asia-Pacific 2021 Symposium will be held with RoboCup Asia-Pacific 2021 Aichi, Japan on 29 November 2021. We call for submissions of papers reporting innovative, original research with relevance to areas of robotics and artificial intelligence as listed below. Within the described scope of topics, we also encourage submissions of high-quality overview articles, papers describing real-world research, and papers reporting theoretical results. Researchers are invited to submit their work independently of whether they participate in the RoboCup Asia-Pacific competitions or not.
The RoboCup Asia-Pacific 2021 Symposium will be held in a hybrid setting. Then you can participate and present your research at the venue below or online. Since it is held in a hybrid setting, we welcome short oral presentations instead of poster presentations. The registration site for participants will be announced later.
All papers will be peer-reviewed and evaluated by members of the program committee. The proceedings of the RoboCup Asia-Pacific 2021 Symposium will be published online one week before the conference. Papers should be formatted following the LNAI author guidelines (https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-gui...). Springer’s proceedings LaTeX and Word templates are also available in Overleaf. Papers must be electronically submitted through the EasyChair electronic submission system (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rcap2021sympsium). All submissions (both long and short presentaitons) are limited to 12 pages including references and must be in PDF format.
* Deadline for Submission of papers: August 9, 2021 * Notification to authors: October 15, 2021 * Submission of camera-ready copies: October 25, 2021 * RoboCup Asia-Pacific 2021: November 22-29, 2021 * RoboCup Asia-Pacific 2021 Symposium: November 29, 2021
* Noriaki Mitsunaga, Osaka Kyouiku University * Wataru Uemura, Ryukoku University
TOPICS Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Multi-Robot Systems * Robot Cognition and Learning * Robot Hardware and Software * Perception and Action * Human-Robot Interaction * Education and Edutainment * Applications and Benchmarking
==================== Wataru UEMURA, Dr. Eng. Ryukoku University http://friede.elec.ryukoku.ac.jp/~wataru ====================