Dear RoboCup Community,
we have set up an official RoboCup Discord server for our community now! Here is the invite link: https://discord.gg/dcFgqFTeCy
The aim of the server is not to replace the individual Discord servers and messaging boards that the different leagues created - the idea is to complement them and create an easier possibility to communicate and build bridges between the leagues going forward. It should be a place for you to share your publications, discuss questions related to the next RoboCup events, and get connected with RoboCuppers across leagues.
Anyone who is currently participating or interested in RoboCup, is planning to participate in the future or is a RoboCup alumni is welcome to join. Once on the server, please read the rules in the #rules channel and use the "Channels & Roles" on top of the channel list to assign yourself your roles related to the league(s) and region you participate in to see relevant content.
Cheers Maike