Dear SSL-community,
as in the past years we are very happy to announce our entry for the Open Source Award. We are doing a complete and full release of everything we have, including electronics, mechanics, and our full AI.
Below, you will find a list of our publications. The documentation or description is included within the individual packages.
Mechanics: A completely redesigned robot (v2020), already online for over a year now as announced on Discord. https://github.com/TIGERs-Mannheim/mechanics
Electronics: New electronics with a faster charging kicker, more robustness and our new pattern identification system (detects the pattern on the robots cover). https://github.com/TIGERs-Mannheim/electronics
Firmware: New onboard control algorithm with friction modelling and compensation for our new wheel arrangement of v2020 robots. A lot of smaller bugfixes as well. Also includes our wireless protocol and base station firmware. https://github.com/TIGERs-Mannheim/Firmware
Software (AI): The heart and brain of our team, the central control software Sumatra. Available as download: https://tigers-mannheim.de/download/release2021/Software-2021.tar.gz And on Github: https://github.com/TIGERs-Mannheim/Sumatra Of course, compatible with the simulation protocol. So you can test your AI against ours locally.
In case you are missing any information or if you are just curios, contact us on Discord or write us an email.
Tigertastic Greetings, TIGERs Mannheim