Dear SSL-Community,
For the first year since competing RoboTeam Twente is ready to enter for the Open Source Award. As all of our team members change (almost) in full every year we strive to have detailed and easy to understand documentation for everyone. This means that apart from all our designs we have collected all our recent how-to's, design decisions and detailed explanations into a wiki. This wiki we also use to introduce new people to our team, so we hope it can be especially helpful for newer teams and those who are looking into tips for building enough robots to transition to division A.
Our wiki can be found here: https://wiki.roboteamtwente.nl/
Although the wiki also describes all previously made design in terms of hardware and software, some highlights of the changes we made this year include: - Transitioning to a modular design with hardware and electronics combined for faster repair and more extensive testing. (rationale https://wiki.roboteamtwente.nl/technical/mechanics/design_rationale_21_22) - A fully renewed Front Assembly, which contains our dribbler and a new dampening mechanism. (design https://wiki.roboteamtwente.nl/technical/mechanics/robot_21_22/front_assembly | rationale https://wiki.roboteamtwente.nl/technical/mechanics/design_rationale_21_22/front_assembly ) - Custom made space-saving solenoids for kicking and chipping which freed up quite some space in our robots. (design https://wiki.roboteamtwente.nl/technical/mechanics/robot_21_22/solenoids | rationale https://wiki.roboteamtwente.nl/technical/mechanics/design_rationale_21_22/solenoids ) - Newly designed path planning based on bang-bang trajectories. (rationale https://wiki.roboteamtwente.nl/technical/ai/path)
We hope this can help other teams in their process of improving the SSL robots. If you have any questions we are more than happy to answer them, and if you find it useful we would love to hear that from you. We look forward to seeing you all at the RoboCup!
Kind regards, Anne van Harten | RoboTeam Twente