Dear RoboCup Regional Committee representative:
The 2023 Regional Committee Meeting will be held on July 6th, 2:30-4:00 pm (local time), in room C1 (in first floor, stairs right to registration, when entering the building).
This meeting intends to discuss your region's activities in the last year, and any other subject you might be pertinent to raise related to your region.
From this year on, we would like to collect and archive the annual reports of the RoboCup Regional Committees in a systematic manner via an online form. Please be aware that the annual report refers to the "RoboCup year", i.e., the time since the last RoboCup: July 2022 - June 2023.
The online form can be found here:
To access it, the regional representative first needs to create a personal account via the "New user? Register" button on this web page.
Then a new report for the regional committee can be created via "Add New".
The draft of the report can be saved by the "Save Draft" button in the right upper corner. Only the owner of the form can update it.
"Publish" means finalizing the report by the owner and making it available. After publishing the report cannot be updated anymore.
Thanks in advance. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Best Regards,
Fernando Ribeiro RoboCup Trustee
RoboCup Regional Committees
RoboCup is a non-commercial, scientific and cultural activity to promote artificial intelligence, robotics, and other related science and technologies through robots and simulated robots competitions.
A sufficiently large number of teams, researchers and teachers from any nation, group of nations, or nation-sized region (henceforth "region") with significant past and current RoboCup participation is invited to form a "RoboCup Regional Committee."
The purposes of these committees are to
1. Promote RoboCup within your region.
2. Organize local RoboCup events and RoboCup opens.
3. Manage qualification for RoboCup leagues when slots are limited.
4. Maintain RoboCup standards for scientific research and education within your region and uphold the RoboCup mission of sharing advances through friendly competition.
5. Maintain an English website to be linked to the main RoboCup website describing the RoboCup activities in your region.
6. Ensuring proper user of RoboCup emblems (names and logos) in your region.
There are local events smaller than regional "open" competitions, which should also be run with regional committee participation but must be approved by the board of trustees.
The regional committee is expected to send a report following each event summarizing the participation and organization of the event, including how many people and teams participated, from where, etc., as well as a financial report including registration fees, regional sponsorship, events and operational cost, etc. If there are many local events in a given year, they can be grouped together into a single annual report.
Each regional committee should have a single chair who serves as the main point of contact with the RoboCup Board of Trustees for questions that are relevant to the region. There should be representation on the committee from all of the different RoboCup leagues in which your region is active (including RoboCupJunior). If not already established, we encourage the regional committees to initiate the formation of all aspects of RoboCup activities, including RoboCupSoccer, RoboCupRescue, RoboCupJunior, and RoboCup@Home.
To form a committee, please get together with all of the participants from your region. Once the list of committee members is prepared, please contact the RoboCup Trustees with the following information:
1. The members and affiliations of the committee.
2. The names, affiliations, and email addresses of all the Major teams represented by the committee (hopefully all the teams from your region). In the case of RoboCupJunior, include the name of the Junior regional representative, and his/her affiliation and email address. It is not necessary to include the list of all Junior teams from your region.
3. The URL of your current webpage, if it already exists
(see http://www.robocup.org/organization/regional_committees for some examples).
The Trustees will then check that all the represented teams agree to be represented in this way, and then link the committee to the RoboCup website.
The representatives of all RoboCup Regional Committees meet at least once a year during the annual RoboCup event to discuss with the Trustees the development of RoboCup in their regions and in general. Furthermore, while vacancies exist in the Board of Trustees, one appointment is reserved for election by the regional committees (one vote per regional committee).