Dear fellow RoboCup teams,
After four years COVID-related hiatus, we are happy to announce that the 10th Robotic Hamburg Open Workshop (RoHOW) 2023 will again take place in-person at the Hamburg University of Technology! The event will take place from 2023-12-01 to 2023-12-03.
The idea of the RoHOW is pretty simple: Sharing ideas in workshops and discussions or just hanging out together with a cool drink. We will have a full size field as well as couches, tables, large monitors, separate rooms for workshops, as well as food and drinks.
Topics for talks, workshops, and discussion rounds are contributed by you and scheduled during the event. We already opened the scheduling tool at https://mopad.rohow.de/. Feel free to enter your topics there now. You will have to create a new account there to add topics. If you don't see your team name, let us know.
You can find the location, schedule, and more at https://rohow.de/
After you decide to participate, please register until 2023-11-13 ;) Send us an email h***s@tuhh.de including your team name and number of participants so we can plan team zones, etc. As always, there is no participation fee.
There are still some uncertainties? Just write us an email. The same applies to ideas, criticism and whatever else comes to your mind.
See you at RoHOW 2023, Team HULKs