[CFP] IROS 2022 Special Session on Computational Advances in Human-Robot Interaction

IROS 2022 Special Session on Computational Advances in Human-Robot Interaction
Note: All manuscripts will undergo the same peer review and decision process as all other IROS2022 regular papers and, if accepted, will be published in the proceedings.
The goal of this special session is for the groups of researchers at the intersection of AI and HRI to have a dedicated session to meet and facilitate a collaborative forum for discussion of current efforts in robotic and AI systems, and especially conducting interdisciplinary research in this community.
The overarching themes of the contributing papers are the technological advances that improve humans’ experience and interactions with robots. As robots increasingly enter our society and encounter humans, the human element is important to consider when developing robot technologies.
Through this special session, we will focus on technical research being done in the field of interactive robotics.
Topics including but not limited to
Artificial intelligence, robot learning, collaborative manipulation, social navigation, human intent modeling, social robotics, shared autonomy, linguistic robotics, robot ethics, inclusive robotics, assistive robotics, explainable AI, trust in robotics
Submission Process
As is the case for regular papers, the submission deadline for special session papers is March 1, 2022. The submission can be either a RA-L with IROS option paper or an IROS only paper.
After your special session paper is submitted, please send your submission ID to the principal special session organizers: Zhao Han z*****n@mines.edu, Shelly Bagchi s***********i@nist.gov, Daniel Hernández García d****************a@hw.ac.uk.
All manuscripts will undergo the same peer review and decision process as all other IROS2022 regular papers and, if accepted, will be published in the proceedings.
The submission details are the same as the IROS 2022 submission processhttps://iros2022.org/call-for-papers/.
* Zhao Han z*****n@mines.edu, Colorado School of Mines, USA
* Shelly Bagchi s***********i@nist.gov, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
* Daniel Hernández García d****************a@hw.ac.uk, Heriot-Watt University, UK
* Jason R. Wilson j*w@fandm.edu, Franklin & Marshall College, USA
* Reuth Mirsky r*****e@gmail.com, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
* Megan Zimmerman m*************n@nist.gov, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
participants (1)
Zhao Han