Dear All,
We are excited to announce the 2nd Latin American Summer School on Cognitive Robotics (LACORO), which aims at making cutting-edge knowledge on Artificial Intelligence for Robotics Applications accessible in the Southern Hemisphere.
Our aims are:
- to build a sustainable community of students and researchers in the area of Artificial Intelligence for Robotics, particularly Cognitive Inspired Aspects of AI.
- to foster intercultural student collaboration within and outside the Americas.
Format: LACORO will include cutting-edge lectures and tutorials on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and aspects of Human Cognition. Moreover, we will host tutorial and mentoring sessions for both scientific topics and other aspects of the academic research world.
Date and Location: LACORO will be held in-person from the 3rd to 6th of January, 2023 at the Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB), Santiago, Chile.
Applications: Please visit our website, where you can find more information regarding costs, travel, lodging, along with an application form.
If you have any questions about the school or the application process, please contact the organizing committee: l****o@innovacionyrobotica.com
Best regards from the organizing committee,
-- Dr. rer. nat. Nicolás Navarro-Guerrero https://nicolas-navarro-guerrero.github.io/