** Apologies for cross-posting **
Dear colleagues, we have extended the deadline for the EUD4HRI workshop to Feb. 9, 2024.
* What: HRI 2024 Workshop on “End-User Development for Human-Robot Interaction” (EUD4HRI)
* When: March 15, 2024
* Where: Boulder, CO, USA (at the HRI 2024 conference)
* Web: https://sites.google.com/wisc.edu/eud4hri
IMPORTANT DATES: All dates are Fridays and times are Anywhere on Earth (AoE) unless specified otherwise.
* Jan. 15, 2024: Submission site opens
* Feb. 09 2024: Paper deadline ***EXTENDED from Feb 2***
* Feb. 23, 2024: Notification deadline
* Mar. 01, 2024: Camera-ready deadline
* Mar. 15, 2024: Workshop (half-day)
End-User Development (EUD) is an exciting and growing field within Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), and represents a key step towards making robotics accessible for novice robot users. Within academia, researchers investigate novel ways that EUD tools can capture, represent, visualize, analyze, and test developer intent. At the same time, industry researchers increasingly build and ship programming tools that enable customers to interface with their robots.
Despite this increasing interest, the role of EUD within HRI is not well defined. EUD struggles to situate itself within a growing array of alternate approaches to application development, such as learning from demonstration (LfD), planning, teleoperation, and personalization. EUD further poses the question, “Who is the end-user?” Novice end-users might include consumers using a robot in their home, caregivers, factory employees, bystanders in public spaces, or even hobbyists, to name a few examples. Key questions remain, such as how EUD is justified over alternate approaches to application development, which contexts EUD is most suited for, who the target end-users of an EUD system are, and where does the interaction between a human and a robot take place, amongst many, many other questions.
We seek to address these questions and challenges at the “End-User Development for Human-Robot Interaction” (EUD4HRI) half-day workshop at the 2024 International Conference of Human-Robot Interaction. The workshop aims to bring together researchers with a wide range of expertise across academia and industry, spanning perspectives from multiple subfields of robotics, with the primary goal being a more clearly defined scope for EUD and recommendations for the standardization of EUD use cases, target users, and terminology.
The workshop will be hybrid format, including both in-person and remote attendees.
We invite submissions related, but not limited, to the following topics:
* novel approaches the application development, including the integration of learning and planning
* interfaces for robot programming, learning, and personalization
* formal methods in HRI
* programming languages, representations, and paradigms for HRI
* programming libraries and toolkits for HRI
* open source initiatives
* standardization of terminology, use cases, target users, etc.
* the role of industry and academia within HRI end-user development
* the role of related subfields of HRI (e.g., LfD) within EUD
Authors are invited to submit short papers of 2-4 pages describing HRI work, blue-sky papers, position papers, etc. related to any of the topics above. Submissions should be made using the ACM templatehttps://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template; Overleaf provides an appropriate templatehttps://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/acm-conference-proceedings-primary-article-template/wbvnghjbzwpc that may be used. The submission link can be found on the symposium website.
Optionally (but appreciated), if you intend to submit a paper, please email co-organizer Laura Stegner (s*****r@wisc.edumailto:s*****r@wisc.edu) with the subject line “[EUD4HRI] Intent to Submit”, and include the following in the body of the message: (1) a tentative title, (2) a tentative author list, and (3) tentative keywords.
For more information, please visit our website (https://sites.google.com/wisc.edu/eud4hri) or contact Laura Stegner (s*****r@wisc.edumailto:s*****r@wisc.edu).
* Laura Stegner (UW Madison)
* David Porfirio (US Naval Research Laboratory)
* Ross Mead (Semio)
* Severin Lemaignan (PAL Robotics)
* Laura M. Hiatt (US Naval Research Laboratory)
* Bilge Mutlu (UW Madison)