Dear SSL RoboCuppers,
Thank you very much for your recommendations.
The recommended TC candidates are: -Lucas Cavalcanti (RoboCIn, Brazil) -Mohammad Shirazi (current TC; Parsian, Iran) -Nicolai Ommer (current TC; TIGERs Mannheim, Germany)
Please vote for a suitable TC candidate at the following link:
Note: *one* answer from one team can be accepted. The deadline is *12:00 UTC on Saturday 26 June (today)*. Sorry for short notice!
Next OC (and EC) members are nominated by the current EC members around the above deadline. Until then, the EC members might interview some of them.
Best regards, Joydeep, Ersin, and Masa
________________________________________ From: 伊藤 正英 m****** Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2021 19:06 To: r*********** Cc: r*********** Subject: Candidate recommendation for 2021-2022 TC/OC members
Dear SSL RoboCuppers,
The current EC members (Joydeep, Ersin, and Masa) are looking for a nice person as a TC/OC/EC member to RoboCup 2022. Could you please (self-)recommend candidates of TC/OC members to RoboCup 2022 at the following link?:
Note that - *one* answer from one team can be accepted; - the deadline is 12:00 UTC on Friday 25 June.
Let’s enjoy RoboCup 2021!! Thanks!
Best regards, Joydeep, Ersin, and Masa