Dear all,
As RoboCup is starting in approximately one week (!) we would like to update you on the final topics.
Radio Frequency Requirements
Please submit your radio frequency requirements by June 28th so that we can assign frequencies to teams and clarify any issues with the LOC.
You can have a look at the previous year's assignment to get an idea of what other teams used, but note that there are more teams this year. We’ll do our best to assign frequencies in a fair manner.
Tasks for new teams
We would like to remind new teams that there are some things you have to do in order to play matches. An overview is given here Please make sure you have performed all actions as soon as possible, but at the latest before the competition starts.
TC signup
The RoboCup Small Size League 2023 Technical Challenges are the Chip Pass Challenge and the Ball Placement Challenge. Please sign up your team to participate in this form More information about the TC and their rules here Deadline is June 28th.
Open source submissions
The RoboCup Small Size League Open Source Award goes to a team that has demonstrated a commitment to sharing and supporting their software and hardware designs for the benefit and advancement of the RoboCup community. If you would like to take a shot at the award, you have to send an email to the Small Size League Mailing list with the following information:
Link(s) to the open source project -
Link(s) to any related documentation for using the open source project -
A short description of the project and documentation submitted and their innovation and relevance to the RoboCup Small Size League.
The subject of the email should be “RoboCup 2023 - Open Source Award Submission <Your Team Name>”. Late submissions will not be considered. More information about the open source award can be found here
Referee quiz
Similar to last year, we have created a referee quiz. This quiz is designed to improve the notoriously poor quality of many of our referees. Each team needs to be able to perform the impartial roles (referee, assistant, game controller operator and vision expert) for matches where they are not playing themselves. Finishing the rules quiz correctly will be necessary for that, and only people who finish the quiz are allowed to perform the impartial roles. Please fill in the quiz before the start of the competition .
The quiz contains some open questions. Please try to explain as best as possible how you would handle the described situation. It is to give us an indication of how teams would act. The OC will provide the preferred course of action on the first day of the competition.
The quiz can be found here A useful reference would be the rule book
ETDP posters
All division A teams are required to bring along a poster that illustrates the content of the paper. The poster must be of A0 size and will be hung at the RoboCup venue. Please remember to design and print this poster.
We’ve drawn the groups as outlined in our previous email. The results for Division A are:
Group A:
TIGERs (GermanyA)
Robodragons (JapanA)
Roboteam-Twente (Netherlands)
KIKS (JapanB)
Group B:
ZJUNlict (ChinaA)
SRC (ChinaB)
ER-Force (GermanyB)
Immortals (Iran)
The results for Division B are:
Group A:
RoboCIn (BrazilA)
Ri-one (Japan)
The-A-Team (USA)
Group B:
luhbots-Soccer (Germany)
UBC-Thunderbots (Canada)
OrcaBOT (Thailand)
Group C:
RoboIME (BrazilB)
RoboJackets (USA)
Sysmic-Robotics (Chile)
Group D:
RoboFEI (BrazilC)
NAMEc (France)
ITAndroids (BrazilD)
And in case ZJUNlict cannot make it to France, the alternative group in Divisions A are:
Group A:
TIGERs (GermanyA)
Roboteam-Twente (Netherlands)
Robodragons (JapanA)
Dummy2 (Dummy)
Group B:
ER-Force (GermanyB)
SRC (China)
KIKS (JapanB)
Immortals (Iran)
We will decide on which of the Division A groups are used on the 5th, right after the open source presentations, with the information available to TC/OC at that time. Also note that SRC has withdrawn their participation, so the matches against them will be skipped.
Reminder: Preference to play with walls
Please remember to choose your preference towards playing with walls in this form (regardless of your preference). So far, 13 teams have voted. We have extended the deadline to June 28th to give the other teams a bit more time.
Heads Up: Redesigned Game Controller UI
If you have not noticed yet: The UI of the SSL Game Controller has been completely redesigned. We strongly encourage you to have a look and get familiar with it, so that you are not surprised in the first match.
See you all in Bordeaux soon!
Nicolai In behalf of the SSL committee