________________________________________ 差出人: 安藤 祐太 i******2@cis.aichi-pu.ac.jp 送信日時: 2022年1月31日 14:50 宛先: r*******c@lists.robocup.org CC: r***********************l@googlegroups.com; s*************s@gmail.com 件名: 2022 Participation Intent <RoboDragons>
Dear OC members,
RoboDragons Participation Intent for RocoCup 2022 Soccer SSL is as follows:
Team Name RoboDragons Country Japan University Aichi Prefectural University Main contact name and email Yuta Ando s*************s@gmail.com, r***********************l@googlegroups.com Website https://robodragons.github.io/ Preferred Division (A or B) (More Information) Division A Short rationale for the preferred division The reason is that we want to evaluate our AI and controllers in the more advanced division.
Best regards, Yuta Ando (Team Leader, RoboDragons)