Dear SSL RoboCuppers,
If your team has not voted, please discuss with your team, and submit the entry with the form as soon as possible.
Regards, Joydeep, Ersin, and Masa
On Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 5:07 AM Masahide ITO m****** wrote:
Dear SSL RoboCuppers,
The current EC members (Joydeep, Ersin, and Masa) are looking for a nice person as a TC/OC/EC member to RoboCup 2022. Could you please (self-)recommend candidates of TC/OC members to RoboCup 2022 at the following link?:
Note that
- *one* answer from one team can be accepted;
- the deadline is 12:00 UTC on Friday 25 June.
Let’s enjoy RoboCup 2021!! Thanks!
Best regards, Joydeep, Ersin, and Masa _______________________________________________ robocup-small mailing list r***********
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