4 Aug
4 Aug
4:55 p.m.
Dear RoboCuppers,
We are pleased to announce that RoboCup Asia-Pacific 2021 will be held by competition in person and remote on November 25 - 29, 2021, as follows:
* Call for participation: https://2021.robocupap.org/eng/participation.html (Pre-registration deadline: 8/15 (in person), 9/15 (in remote))
++ You can use the TDP which you don't fill in pre-registration.++ When you pre-register to rcap2021, you need the TDP, which you can download on the web.
* Official Web: https://2021.robocupap.org/eng/index.html
In the agent competition of the rescue simulation league, we will follow the rule of RoboCup2021.
Best regards, ITO Nobuhiro