Dear Regional Committee Chairs,
We asked to receive nominations from Regional Committee Chairs for electing one trustee as of Tuesday, July 09. So far, we only received answers from only a few regional committees.
To give more committees the chance to submit their nominations, I would like to extend the deadline until Sunday, July 14.
As there have been some confusions about the nominees' list, we want to give some comments on that. We compiled the list to encourage the nomination of Execs that have not yet been in the Board of Trustee.
I also want to remind you to prepare the presentation about your region. You can find the Powerpoint template here:
The deadline for submitting the report is next Tuesday. The earlier you submit, the more time Maike and I will have to compile the presentation for the Board of Trustees.
Best regards and looking forward to seeing you in Eindhoven! Maike & Alexander