Dear fellow Robocuppers,
Only two weeks left until this year's vRoHOW!
As last year we will use Discord as our virtual venue. If you haven't already, you can join the event server here: https://discord.gg/XrSbTzsYEP
The content, i.e. talks, presentations and workshops, will be scheduled after 22:00 UTC+1 on Friday (2022-12-02). Please inform us about your interests and talks via the MOPAD (https://mopad.rohow.de/). You should be able to create an account for yourself by selecting your respective team name. Note that you have to create new accounts for this year.
All additional information and schedule is available at rohow.de
We are looking forward to see you on Friday (2022-12-02) at 19:00 UTC+1 for the opening ceremony in the Discord TownHall voice channel.
Gretings from Hamburg, Team HULKs
participants (1)
Patrick Göttsch