MSL Rule and Roadmap Proposals
Dear MSL teams,
We would like to ask your ideas on 2 topics:
* Every year, the Technical Committee updates the rulebook based on proposals by MSL community. Next to the normal open question for rule change proposals, we are looking for suggestion on how to improve human safety on the field. Teams are generally looking to becoming more powerful, therefore we want to ensure safety (e.g., for referees, human players, and during repairs). Please fill out this form before November 30: * The Executive Committee is looking at possible future directions for the MSL league. This involves evolving the rules over multiple years to move the league, step by step, into a (research) direction and to make steps towards the RoboCup wide goal of beating the human world champions in 2050. As a first step, we would like to hear from you. What direction(s) do you believe the MSL league should be going in the next 5 year? What should be the major new developments in MSL? Later, at the MSL workshop in Toulon in January, we will continue the discussion about this. Please submit your ideas through this online form:
Best regards, MSL Technical Committee
participants (1)
Olthuis, Jorrit