RoboCup Humanoid League Newsletter - February 2022

Dear Humanoid League Teams,
this is the February version of our monthly newsletter in which we will give you some updates on the preparation of the rule book for the 2022 competition, the qualification process to participate in the world championship as well quick news on the virtual season.
Rule Voting & Update Process -----------------------------
The discussion period about the rule book for the 2022 competition has ended and teams that are eligible to vote have received a link to the rule vote with further instructions yesterday. The voting period already ends next Monday (Feb 14th), so make sure you fill out the survey in time!
At the moment, we have applied similar eligibility criteria as in previous years, which is as follows: "Eligible to vote is every team that has either participated in RoboCup 2019 or 2021 or was qualified for RoboCup 2020 and aims to participate in 2022 again (as shown by having submitted qualification material for 2022). Every team gets to vote once." However, we are still discussing the eligibility criteria under the current Covid situations which may have kept teams from submitting qualification material for 2022 but that plan on participating in the future again. If we decide to include more teams in the voting process and hence extend the voting period, we will inform the league about this decision.
The preliminary time line for finalizing the rule book looks as follows: - Feb 18th: Draft of Rule book released - Feb 18th - Mar 2nd: Period for teams to provide comments on the draft - Mar 4th: Release of the final rule book
Please note that this schedule may need to be postponed in case of an extended voting period.
Qualification for RoboCup 2022 -------------------------------
The deadline for updating your qualification material for the 2022 competition in Thailand ends this coming Monday, February 14th. If your team received a review requiring the provision of additional material, please make sure you provide it in time! If your team was already accepted for the competition, you are welcome to update your material until February 14th as well, although this is not mandatory for you.
The teams will be notified about their final qualification status by March 7th.
Humanoid League - Virtual Season ---------------------------------
We have now concluded the first four game days and you can find the results as well as the next stream days announced on our website:
The next stream will happen on our Twitch channel on Sunday, February 20th at 3:00pm CET.
The organizers of the virtual season are still in need for people supporting the further development of the Webots simulator and the infrastructure around it. If you would like to volunteer, please get in touch with me by e-mail or Discord!
Cheers, Maike (for the Humanoid League Technical Committee)
participants (1)
Maike Paetzel-Prüsmann