Dear RoboCuppers,
I hope you are all thrilled for the competition coming in few days!
Here some useful info.
*Discord info from local organisation*
As you may already know there is a discord channel managed by the local organisation for keeping you up with info. If you have not done it yet, please join
*E**l**e**c**t**r**i**c**a**l**a**n**d **n**e**t**w**o**r**k **i**n**f**o**r**m**a**t**i**o**n*
One RJ45 per team table will be provided in each major competition league. Each table will have a French electrical plug.
Bring your own switch, but please remember that WiFi connection is forbidden. You also need to bring extension cords and universal plugs.
*Join the OC and TC committees*
We want you! 😁
We are looking for new members that can help in the organisation for next year. We welcome people from every team both for joining the Organisation Committee and Techinical Committee. People can be part of both commitees too. TC and OC new members are elected during the main competition, towards the end of the games, in one of the team leaders meeting. People can candidate themselves by adding their names in a list printed by the TC/OC and usually on a board near their table. Generally, both committees meet once for month, and tasks are splitted by members.
In general, the Technical Committee is responsible for setting the laws of the game - proposing new/changes to the rule book and the roadmap, establishing technical challenges, and leading league software projects, etc..
The Organizing Committee is responsible for preparing and organizing the competition, making sure all requirements the teams/fields/and committees need are satisfied for the success of the competition.
If you need more information, do not hesitate to contact us!
Have safe travel, and good luck for the competition!
best regards,
participants (1)