Submission Acknowledgement VOLUME 08 ISSUE 11 ETJ (November 2023)

*Dear Researcher,*
ETJ* Journal* welcomes research scholars & scientists from different domains in its realm of Open Access Publication. All submitted papers will be *peer reviewed*, published in online and online print versions.
*Important Dates for Current Issues:*
* Submission last date*
25 *November* *2023*
*Acknowledgement of submission*
*Within 24 hrs.*
*Acceptance notification*
*5 to 7 days*
*M**ail article to :* e******* / j********
*Direct submission:* **
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*Best Regards,*
*Engineering and Technology Journal*
*Impact Factor: 7.136*, *Cross Ref DOI: 10.47191/etj*,
*ASI Score: 2.0 (Advanced Sciences Index)*
*International Journal Address (IJA): IJA.ZONE/2456*
*International Category Code (ICC): ICC-02*
Editorial Office
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