Fwd: [robocup-worldwide] Call for Participation: RoboCup@Home Education Challenge @ European RoboCupJunior Championship (EURCJ) 2018

Dear @Home teams, there are still a couple of slots available for @Home Education challenge during the European RoboCupJunior Championship (EURCJ) 2018
If you have a junior team (either high-school under 19, or undergraduate under 22) willing to participate, let us know and fill the pre-registration in the web page above.
The challenge is in the format workshop+competition, not requiring specific experience on robot programming (just basic knowledge of Python and Matlab) and we'll provide robots to teams, so there's no need to bring one.
Tasks are taken from RoboCup@Home rulebook, so these activities will also boost RoboCup@Home major teams.
All the teams are recruited in these last weeks before the competition, and they will all be at the same level in terms or preparation.
The winner will be "European RoboCup@Home Education Champion" and the prize will be given by President of RoboCup Federation Daniel Polani. There will be also other prizes.
Extended deadlines:
Intention of Participation due: May 10, 2018 Registration due: May 15, 2018
For any question, do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards, Luca and Jeffrey.
-------- Messaggio Inoltrato -------- Oggetto: [robocup-worldwide] Call for Participation: RoboCup@Home Education Challenge @ European RoboCupJunior Championship (EURCJ) 2018 Data: Wed, 18 Apr 2018 02:48:42 +0800 Mittente: Jeffrey Tan i@jeffreytan.org A: r***************e@cc.gatech.edu, e********t@iais.fraunhofer.de, r************r@cc.gatech.edu
=== RoboCup@Home Education Challenge @ European RoboCupJunior Championship (EURCJ) 2018 ===
May 29 ~ June 1, 2018 Centro Congressi, Montesilvano, Italy http://www.robocupjunior.eu/
The European RoboCupJunior Championship (EURCJ) is a new super-regional RoboCup event that has the objective of organizing RoboCupJunior competition at European level. EURCJ 2018 is the first edition of EURCJ and is organized by the Italian RoboCupJunior Regional Committee and by the Italian RoboCup Regional Committee, in collaboration with other European RoboCupJunior regional committees.
RoboCup@Home Education is an educational initiative that promotes educational efforts to boost RoboCup@Home participation and service robot development. RoboCup@Home Education takes inspiration from @Home tasks and aims at forming teams that may become @Home teams in the future. This education initiative plays the role to bridge between Major @Home league and RoboCupJunior, providing an educational platform to let Junior teams to participate and gain experience, in order to prepare themselves for the step up @Home league.
With this inspiring motivation, we are honored to host the RoboCup@Home Education Challenge in the European RoboCupJunior Championship (EURCJ) 2018 on this coming May 2018 for the participation from European community. The Education Challenge will be conducted in a Workshop+Competition format to encourage totally inexperienced but interested participants to learn how to build the robot in the workshop and take part in the competition.
5/29 (Tue) - AM Workshop 1 Navigation - PM Competition Task: Help-me-carry
5/30 (Wed) - AM Workshop 2 Speech, Vision - PM Competition Task: Speech and Person Recognition
5/31 (Thu) - AM Workshop 3 Arm, System Integration - PM Competition Task: Restaurant
6/1 (Fri) - AM Finals
<<How to Participate>>
Step 1 - Intention of Participation Fill in and submit the online Intention of Participation form below (each per team). If you have any difficulty to submit online, please contact oc@robocupathomeedu.org
Intention of Participation form: https://goo.gl/forms/oPmjpmZnYri4Pxsj1
Step 2 - Registration The OC will review your entry and response by email after you have submitted the online form in Step 1. Complete the registration procedure according to the instruction in the email.
<<Important Dates>>
Intention of Participation due: April 30, 2018 Registration due: May 10, 2018
Please visit the official website for more information. You can contact us via oc@robocupathomeedu.org
Best Regards, RoboCup@Home Education Challenge 2018 Organizing Committee _______________________________________________ robocup-worldwide mailing list r***************e@cc.gatech.edu https://mailman.cc.gatech.edu/mailman/listinfo/robocup-worldwide
participants (1)
Luca Iocchi