[meetings] [CFP] [TAHRI] Technological Advances in Human-Robot Interaction

What: International Symposium on Technological Advances in Human-Robot Interaction (TAHRI) -
When: March 9–10, 2024 -
Where: Boulder, Colorado, USA -
Web: https://tahri.org
- Do you want to bring attention to a technological HRI paper you published at a different conference (e.g., HRI, ICRA, IROS, RO-MAN, RSS, etc.), journal (e.g., THRI), symposium (e.g., AAAI Fall/Spring Series), workshop, or other venue? - Would you like people to learn about some software, hardware, or other artifact you developed or use? - Do you want feedback on a thesis topic, experimental design, startup, or other project idea? - Are you searching for collaborators, co-founders, or other like-minded individuals? - Are you hiring or looking for a job? - Do you have a question or topic you’d like to discuss?
The TAHRI Community and Career Fair provides new and exciting opportunities for community engagement and networking! In this interactive session, participants will be provided with a short time slot to pitch a project/topic they wish to share, and then the community will gather in a room for open discussions and mingling. Posters and/or other artifacts are encouraged but optional.
If you’d like to participate, please fill out the short form (< 5 minutes!) by March 1, 2024 to reserve your spot!
Thanks to all authors who submitted papers! This inaugural year, only 25% of standard review papers were accepted without revisions; however, we offered for a select few papers to be revised and resubmitted for further consideration, so the acceptance rate might be higher for the final TAHRI 2024 proceedings (archived with ACM). https://www.tahri.org/authors -
Want to hear from other technological HRI researchers and practitioners? We are finalizing an amazing lineup of ~20 speakers and panelists spanning academia, industry, government, and other research groups, including Andra Keay (Silicon Valley Robotics), Andres Milioto (Embodied, Inc.), Carolina Parada (Google DeepMind Robotics), Casey Kennington (Boise State University), Cynthia Matuszek (University of Maryland, Baltimore County), Dan Grollman (Plus One Robotics), Gabriel Skantze (KTH / Furhat Robotics), James Kennedy (Disney Research), Katherine Tsui (Toyota Research Institute), Laura Hiatt (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory), Mark Yim (University of Pennsylvania), Matthew Marge (DARPA), Matthias Scheutz (Tufts University), Sean Andrist (Microsoft Research), Séverin Lemaignan (PAL Robotics), Tesca Fitzgerald (Yale University), and Tony Belpaeme (Universiteit Gent). More will be announced soon! https://www.tahri.org/people -
Want to attend TAHRI? Our registration site is now open, and discounts are available for students and 2024 HRI conference attendees! https://tahri.org/attendees -
Want to sponsor TAHRI? Review our partnership opportunities, including discounts for supported organizations and 2024 HRI conference sponsors! https://tahri.org/partners
Dear colleagues,
Paper submissions are now closed for the 2024 International Symposium on Technological Advances in Human-Robot Interaction (TAHRI)! Thanks to all authors who submitted papers! However, it’s not too late to contribute to the inaugural TAHRI! Apply for the TAHRI Community and Career Fair to discuss relevant topics of your choice: https://www.tahri.org/program#community-and-career-fair
OVERVIEW: TAHRI aims to be the premiere symposium for HRI research focused on the advancement of the underlying technology enabling the interaction between a robot and a human. The inaugural event will be held on March 9–10, 2024, in Boulder, Colorado, USA, two days before and co-located with the 2024 HRI conference!
THEME: The theme for the inaugural TAHRI is “Building Bridges Between Builders”, gathering HRI researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, government, and other research groups who are focused on the development of HRI technologies.
TOPICS: TAHRI seeks technological HRI contributions from a broad range of perspectives, including, but not limited to, robots, platforms, hardware, software, sensors, actuators, perception, control, algorithms, models, mechanisms, methods, interfaces, architectures, frameworks, benchmarks, datasets, tools, techniques, or other technologies that, with reasonable effort, can be incorporated into the design, development, or deployment of an HRI system.
PAPERS: TAHRI is an inclusive, community-focused venue that invites novel, high-quality technological HRI papers that will be peer-reviewed in a flexible process, presented live at the symposium, and indexed in archived ACM proceedings.
SPEAKERS AND PANELISTS: We are in the process of finalizing an amazing lineup of speakers and panelists spanning academia, industry, government, and other research groups. A list of confirmed speakers is below with more to be announced soon!
Andra Keay (Silicon Valley Robotics) -
Andres Milioto (Embodied, Inc.) -
Carolina Parada (Google DeepMind Robotics) -
Casey Kennington (Boise State University) -
Cynthia Matuszek (University of Maryland, Baltimore County) -
Dan Grollman (Plus One Robotics) -
Gabriel Skantze (KTH / Furhat Robotics) -
James Kennedy (Disney Research) -
Katherine Tsui (Toyota Research Institute) -
Laura Hiatt (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory) -
Mark Yim (University of Pennsylvania) -
Matthew Marge (DARPA) -
Matthias Scheutz (Tufts University) -
Sean Andrist (Microsoft Research) -
Séverin Lemaignan (PAL Robotics) -
Tesca Fitzgerald (Yale University) -
Tony Belpaeme (Universiteit Gent)
CONNECT: For more information or to stay up-to-date on TAHRI, please visit the website (https://tahri.org), email us (i**o@tahri.org), or follow us on social media:
X / Twitter: https://twitter.com/TAHRIorg -
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/TAHRIorg -
Medium: https://medium.com/@TAHRIorg -
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TAHRIorg
Ross Mead (Semio) -
Shelly Bagchi (NIST) -
Jason R. Wilson (Franklin & Marshall College) -
Emmanuel Senft (Idiap Research Institute) -
Reuth Mirsky (Bar-Ilan University) -
Daniel Hernández García (Heriot-Watt University) -
Jeremy Marvel (NIST) -
Megan Zimmerman (NIST) -
Justin Hart (University of Texas Austin)
TAHRI Organizers https://www.tahri.org/people#organizers
*o********s@tahri.org o********s@tahri.org*
participants (1)
TAHRI Organizers