[meetings] [CFP] [TAHRI] Technological Advances in Human-Robot Interaction
What: International Symposium on Technological Advances in Human-Robot Interaction (TAHRI) -
When: March 9–10, 2024 -
Where: Boulder, Colorado, USA -
Web: https://tahri.org
Want to present https://www.tahri.org/program#community-and-career-fair?
It’s not too late to contribute to TAHRI! Pitch a paper, project, or position you wish to share, then discuss it with the community in our Community and Career Fair https://www.tahri.org/program#community-and-career-fair. Want to promote a previously published or soon-to-be published paper from a different venue (e.g. HRI conference or workshop)? Want to show off some software or hardware you’re developing? Want to find a job or collaborators? Apply in as little as five minutes by March 1st!
Want to attend https://www.tahri.org/attendees?
Discounts are available for students and 2024 HRI conference attendees, and complimentary registration is available to volunteers or upon special request!
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1 GOAL https://www.tahri.org/about
To “build bridges between builders” by gathering HRI researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, government, and other research groups who are developing the underlying technologies enabling interactions between robots and humans
2 KEYNOTES https://www.tahri.org/people#speakers-and-panelists
Andra Keay https://www.tahri.org/people#andra-keay (Silicon Valley Robotics) -
Brian Scassellati https://www.tahri.org/people#brian-scassellati (Yale University)
20 PANELISTS https://www.tahri.org/people#speakers-and-panelists
Andra Keay https://www.tahri.org/people#andra-keay (Silicon Valley Robotics) -
Andres Milioto https://www.tahri.org/people#andres-milioto (Embodied, Inc.) -
Bahar Irfan https://www.tahri.org/people#bahar-irfan (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) -
Brian Scassellati https://www.tahri.org/people#brian-scassellati (Yale University) -
Carolina Parada https://www.tahri.org/people#carolina-parada (Google DeepMind Robotics) -
Casey Kennington https://www.tahri.org/people#casey-kennington (Boise State University) -
Cynthia Matuszek https://www.tahri.org/people#cynthia-matuszek (University of Maryland, Baltimore County) -
Dan Grollman https://www.tahri.org/people#dan-grollman (Plus One Robotics) -
Gabriel Skantze https://www.tahri.org/people#gabriel-skantze (KTH / Furhat Robotics) -
Hae Won Park https://www.tahri.org/people#hae-won-park (MIT Media Lab / Amazon Lab126) -
Ian Bernstein https://www.tahri.org/people#ian-bernstein (NewCo) -
James Kennedy https://www.tahri.org/people#james-kennedy (Disney Research) -
Katherine Tsui https://www.tahri.org/people#katherine-tsui (Toyota Research Institute) -
Laura Hiatt https://www.tahri.org/people#laura-hiatt (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory) -
Mark Yim https://www.tahri.org/people#mark-yim (University of Pennsylvania) -
Matthias Scheutz https://www.tahri.org/people#matthias-scheutz (Tufts University) -
Sean Andrist https://www.tahri.org/people#sean-andrist (Microsoft Research) -
Séverin Lemaignan https://www.tahri.org/people#severin-lemaignan (PAL Robotics) -
Tesca Fitzgerald https://www.tahri.org/people#tesca-fitzgerald (Yale University) -
Tony Belpaeme https://www.tahri.org/people#tony-belpaeme (Universiteit Gent)
21 PAPERS https://www.tahri.org/authors
Novel, high-quality, peer-reviewed technological HRI research papers presented orally and in poster sessions, with full papers indexed in archived ACM proceedings!
13 PARTNERS https://www.tahri.org/partners
CU Robotics https://www.tahri.org/partners#cu-robotics (Community) -
Disney Research https://www.tahri.org/partners#disney-research (Silver) -
Embodied, Inc. https://www.tahri.org/partners#embodied (Platinum) -
Furhat Robotics https://www.tahri.org/partners#furhat-robotics (Platinum) -
Futronics https://www.tahri.org/partners#futronics (Platinum) -
Hello Robot https://www.tahri.org/partners#hello-robot (Platinum) -
KISS Institute for Practical Robotics (KIPR) https://www.tahri.org/partners#kipr (Community) -
Microsoft Research https://www.tahri.org/partners#microsoft-research (Community) -
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) https://www.tahri.org/partners#nist (Organizer) -
Navel Robotics https://www.tahri.org/partners#navel-robotics (Platinum) -
PAL Robotics https://www.tahri.org/partners#pal-robotics (Community) -
Semio Community https://www.tahri.org/partners#semio-community (Organizer) -
Toyota Research Institute https://www.tahri.org/partners#toyota-research-institute (Platinum)
8 ORGANIZERS https://tahri.org/people#organizers
Ross Mead https://www.tahri.org/people#mead (Semio) -
Shelly Bagchi https://www.tahri.org/people#bagchi (NIST) -
Willie Wilson https://www.tahri.org/people#wilson (Franklin & Marshall College) -
Emmanuel Senft https://www.tahri.org/people#senft (Idiap Research Institute) -
Reuth Mirsky https://www.tahri.org/people#mirsky (Bar-Ilan University) -
Daniel Hernández García https://www.tahri.org/people#hernandez-garcia (Heriot-Watt University) -
Jeremy Marvel https://www.tahri.org/people#marvel (NIST) -
Megan Zimmerman https://www.tahri.org/people#zimmerman (NIST)
1 PROGRAM https://www.tahri.org/program
Coming soon!
TAHRI Organizers https://www.tahri.org/people#organizers
*o********s@tahri.org o********s@tahri.org*
participants (1)
TAHRI Organizers