A Special Issue of
*Interaction Studies - Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems Journal*
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based on the
*Social Cues in Robot Interaction, Trust and Acceptance* - SCRITA Workshop @ IEEE RO-MAN 2018
*http://scrita.herts.ac.uk https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__scrita.herts.ac.uk_&d=DwMFaQ&c=clK7kQUTWtAVEOVIgvi0NU5BOUHhpN0H8p7CSfnc_gI&r=0w3solp5fswiyWF2RL6rSs8MCeFamFEPafDTOhgTfYI&m=saWQAMBoWnv7k6U6Fbk4kn0fWQS5HEpKpHui-NNs2ec&s=uWBSrBPONpFJiCZdvDfTcIp6yyymupmTkehstqInD3Q&e=*
This Special Issue will focus on human users trust in robots. We aim to explore difference aspects of Human-Robot Interaction that can affect, enhance, undermine and recovery of humans’ trust in robots, such as the use of social cues, behaviour transparency (goals and actions), etc.. In particular, this session will bring together leading researchers in the fields to share ideas and findings to guide the design and development of robots that human users would accept and trust. *INTENDED AUDIENCE*
Authors of the accepted papers to the workshop will be invited to submit an extended/revised version. We also strongly encourage submissions from leading researchers in the fields including, but are not limiting to, the following topics of interest:
Impact of Social Cues on Trust in Human-Robot Interaction; -
Measuring Trust in Human-Robot Interaction; -
Trust Violation and Recovery Mechanism in HRI; -
Effects of Humans’ Acceptance on Trust of Robots; -
Humans Sense of Control and Trust in Robots; -
Trust and Assistive Robotics; -
Overtrust in Robots; -
Antecedent of Trust and Robot Trust; -
Enhancing Humans Trust in Robots; -
Enhancing Trust in a Robot Companion; -
User Profiling and Trust in Human-Robot Interaction
Interested authors should please contact the guest editors at *s****a@herts.ac.uk s****a@herts.ac.uk* or Alessandra Rossi at *a*****i@herts.ac.uk a*****i@herts.ac.uk*.
For more information, please visit the website *http://scrita.herts.ac.uk https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__scrita.herts.ac.uk_&d=DwMFaQ&c=clK7kQUTWtAVEOVIgvi0NU5BOUHhpN0H8p7CSfnc_gI&r=0w3solp5fswiyWF2RL6rSs8MCeFamFEPafDTOhgTfYI&m=saWQAMBoWnv7k6U6Fbk4kn0fWQS5HEpKpHui-NNs2ec&s=uWBSrBPONpFJiCZdvDfTcIp6yyymupmTkehstqInD3Q&e=* or contact the guest editors at the above emails.
Each paper will receive three reviews, including one by the guest editors.
*Name *Alessandra Rossi
*Affiliation *University of Hertfordshire
*Email address *a*****i@herts.ac.uk
*Name *Kheng Lee Koay
*Affiliation *University of Hertfordshire
*Email address *k******y@herts.ac.uk
*Name *Sílvia Moros
*Affiliation *University of Hertfordshire
*Email address *s*****s@herts.ac.uk
*Name *Patrick Holthaus
*Affiliation *University of Hertfordshire
*Email address *p********s@herts.ac.uk
*Name *Marcus Scheunemann
*Affiliation *University of Hertfordshire
*Email address *m***********n@herts.ac.uk