*Call for submissions* RoboCup @Home Open-Source Award 2017
With the aim to foster the research in the field of service and assistive robotics, as well as the cooperation among teams not only within @Home, but also RoboCup-wide, this year RoboCup@Home will award the best contribution to the community by means of open source software solutions.
Deadline (Extended) ====================
The deadline for short paper submission is next Friday 14th of July, 2017.
*Application* Qualified candidates must belong to an accepted participant team in the 2017 RoboCup @Home international competition.
Interested candidates must send their application by email to the Technical Committee (tc@robocupathome.org) at least one month before the competition. Please fill in the following information:
Team Name: League: Country: Software Responsible (person in charge): Software License (GNU, BSD, Apache, etc): Link to the Software website: Software Description Paper (SDP) attached to the email.
*Remark: *The Software website is where the open source contribution is documented and can be downloaded. It must also contain links to the repository, the Software Description Paper, as well as examples, tutorials, and dependencies.
The e-mail subject should be: [@Home2017-OS Award] (YourTeamName)
***** Deadline: Friday, July 14, 2017 23:59 GMT *****
*Software Description Paper* The SDP is a 4-pages long technical report, detailing scientific and technical information of the presented software and its underlying algorithms and principles, including a brief explanation of the approach, comparison with State-of-the-Art techniques, statement of the used metrics and software design patterns, and the name of the teams and other collaborators that are also using the software being described.
The SDP must follow the same format used for the team RoboCup @Home Team Description Paper (Springer LNAI format http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0 up to 4 pages including references and without altering margins and spacing).
*Candidate Software *
The software must be easy to read, properly documented, follow standard design patterns, be actively maintained, and meet IEEE software engineering metrics of scalability, portability, maintainability, fault tolerance, and robustness.
In addition, the open sourced software must be made available as a framework-independent standalone library so it can be reused with any software architecture.
*Evaluation Criteria*
The Technical Committee (TC) members from the RoboCup@Home league nominate a set of candidates for the award. The Executive Committee (EC) elects the winner. A EC/TC member whose team is among the nominees is not allowed to vote.
With kind regards, and looking forward to see your team in Nagoya, The 2017 RoboCup@Home Organizing and Technical Committees