================================================================== Call for Participation: RoboCup@Home Social Standard Platform League 2018 ==================================================================
The second RoboCup@Home Social Standard Platform League (RoboCup@Home SSPL) competition, with SoftBank Pepper robots as standard platform, will be held at RoboCup 2018 in Montreal, Canada.
Teams willing to participate in RoboCup@Home SSPL 2018 must submit the qualification material as described in http://www.robocupathome.org/cfp-sspl-2018
This qualification process is valid for all teams, including new teams that already have a Pepper robot and new teams that want to purchase a Pepper robot with the RoboCup conditions.
Deadline for submission of qualification material ***October 15, 2017***
Best regards, Luca Iocchi (on behalf of the SPL Selection Committee)