26 Jul
26 Jul
7:07 p.m.
Hi all,
we hereby share the data [1] we used for object recognition training. I think this could be useful for other teams. If you also collected nice data you may want to share it too.
Best, Raphael - homer@UniKoblenz
[1]: https://owncloud.uni-koblenz-landau.de/owncloud/s/5oVzJNbPsbv5yc8
M.Sc. Raphael Memmesheimer | Tel: +49 261 287-2971
Universität Koblenz-Landau, ICV | Fax: +49 261 287-100-2971
Universitätsstr. 1 | http://homer.uni-koblenz.de
56070 Koblenz | Office: B323