Dear Sir We have compeleted our qualification materials as you mentioned in previous email. As a matter of fact the video that we uploaded for qualification was produced with our old robot and our new robot platform were not ready yet in that time. Now our new robot is ready and we prepared a new video of our robots functions and abilities which is available down below. On the other hand we also checked our website and realized that our domain is expired and is not reachable till our "Norouz" vacation is over. So until then we are using a new domain which you can access with the link below. We tried so hard to prepare ourselvs for this competition and still doing our best to meet the needs. Please inform us if there is any additional document or material required for the qualification proccess. Hope to see you in Robocup 2023Best RegardsIKIU Robotic Team IKIU Robotic Website: IKIU Robotics
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IKIU Qualification Video: IKIU_Robotic_2023.mp4
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